About Me



Hi there, thank you for stopping by my pole blog. It means a lot to me that you’re here!

I’m Michelle and I’m from the little red dot on the map – Singapore. I’m not a professional pole dancer. Pole dancing is my hobby and I’m just a polie with big dreams! I’ve been pole dancing since May 2011 and the moment I took my first spin on the pole, I was hooked! I consider this the best decision I’ve ever made in my life.

I was bored with my sedentary lifestyle. I needed something to do, to have some purpose in my life. My fitness regime then consisted of casual runs around my estate, which didn’t satisfy me enough. And I absolutely hated going to the gym. I wanted to try something that’s different from what everyone else was doing.

I was always interested in dance and self-expression. The way a body is able to move and blend with the music has always fascinated me. So I chose pole dancing. Pole dancing has elements of acrobatics, gymnastics and dance. The possibilities of a routine are ENDLESS. There’s always something new to learn about pole everyday. Perfect!

So this brings me to this blog. Why would I bother coming up with a pole blog and *gasp* even create a Facebook Personal Blog page for myself?! Hold your horses, and please allow me to explain!

Having gone 2 years or so into pole dancing, I realized that I have no progress records whatsoever. I couldn’t remember what I learnt because there were just too many moves and routines! I wasn’t sure when I’d first nailed a particular bad-ass move. The only thing closest to a pole diary were my photos and videos on Facebook. Even then, those weren’t enough. I wanted to document my pole progress, my thoughts on certain topics and to share information on pole dancing to polies and non-polies alike. What better way than a pole blog?

Also, there aren’t many pole blogs around (local and international), so I thought, why not? Pole dancing is my passion and like every passionate and crazy person out there, would love to share it with the world. I can also share videos and photos from other pole dancers on Facebook too, which makes Facebook an excellent addition to have!

I want to be able to make a difference with my blog. Pole dancing is a form of art and a great fitness workout. Any bit of change in the right direction is still progress.

So…join me in my journey to becoming the next pole star! 🙂michelle

7 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hey Michelle, may I know if I would like to begin my journey on the pole, do I have to be fit first? After all, I do know that pole dancing requires loads of arm strength right? This is an area I’m weak in.

    • Hi Jules! Thanks for stopping by. 🙂 Nope, you pole dance to get fit! Everyone starts out weak too but we condition our body and train to get used to it. That’s how we get stronger. 🙂

  2. Hey Mich! 🙂 Thanks for the affirmation! Cos I wanted to start on this quite sometime ago, but was told that I should train my strength first 😕 I shall not hesitate to jump on to classes then! 🙂 Any instructor or school here to recommend in particular for beginners?

    • Hi Julia, so sorry for the delayed reply! That’s great, happy you made this decision! 🙂 As for classes, I’ll be teaching at Groove next month. You can go check out the Level 1 courses there! Our instructors are very friendly! 🙂

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